
Go digital with cloud solutions that lower costs, raise efficiency and boost profits 

The manufacturing sector currently contributes 17 per cent of the value added to the country’s GDP as well as 90 per cent of exports. However, as is well-known, low-skilled and labor-intensive segment in the manufacturing sector still plays a significant part in the economic wellbeing of Bangladesh.  

For manufacturers in our country, technology is playing an important role in making processes, resources, and people more efficient and cost effective. 

Inception has championed multiple digital trends in manufacturing. Our Data Centers, network solutions, and large and expert staff are available to you on your digital journey. 

From consulting projects to managed cloud services to application design. Inception offers a variety of solutions that can help make your organization more digital, including: 

  • Transition to new platforms for business systems 
  • Data-driven manufacturing solutions – from design to production 
  • Infrastructure migration to cloud platforms 
  • Machine learning-based production and quality control 
  • Internet of Things solutions for smart manufacturing and connected factories 
  • Automation and robotics solutions 
  • Augmented reality solutions on the factory floor 

Inception Offerings for Manufacturers 

Data Center Transformation 

Choose public, private or hybrid cloud services to meet your company’s specific needs. Enjoy access to our state-of-the-art Data Centers in multiple locations and partner Data Centers throughout the world. Disaster recovery solutions help ensure data integrity and uptime. 

Transform your Enterprise Business Systems 

Inception can help you transform your business services by integrating multiple platforms and systems. We can make your operations more efficient with ERP solutions delivered in the cloud for no capital expenditures and a dependable cost structure. 

Digitize Facilities 

Let us show you how to enhance productivity at factories and plants using digital technologies, including social media, mobile apps, cloud solutions, and analytics. Connect dispersed facilities with shared processes and systems. Add digital solutions at distribution points to enhance the customer experience. Provide real-time monitoring, information access and control to your operations. Use Big Data analytics to understand and capitalize on trends and opportunities. 

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